Scotland’s distinct seasons bring unique challenges for property maintenance.
Staying ahead with a seasonal checklist ensures your home stays safe and in good
condition all year round.
Inspect roofs for damage caused by winter storms.
Clean gutters and downpipes to prevent water damage.
Check for cracks in driveways or paths that may have worsened over winter.
Test outdoor lighting and electricals for functionality.
Paint or treat external woodwork to protect against sun and rain.
Service boilers to prepare for autumn use.
Trim trees and shrubs near the property to prevent overgrowth.
Inspect fences, gates, and external structures for wear.
Clear fallen leaves from gutters and drains.
Check windows and doors for draughts and re-seal if necessary.
Inspect heating systems and bleed radiators to ensure efficiency.
Stock up on salt or grit for icy pathways.
Insulate pipes to prevent freezing and bursting.
Ensure loft insulation is sufficient to reduce heat loss.
Test smoke and carbon monoxide alarms.
Keep an eye on external taps and hosepipes to prevent freezing.
By tackling these seasonal tasks, Scottish homeowners can keep their properties in
excellent condition, reducing the risk of costly repairs and ensuring a comfortable
living environment year-round.